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S01E02 2


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[学习本文需要基础词汇量:10,000 ]
[本次分析采用基础词汇量:4,000 ]

My friends were right to be concerned.
They knew that every family has its secrets,

and as my son and husband could have told them,

you need to think carefully before digging them up.

After talking for hours,

my friends still hadn't agreed on what to do with the note.

So they decided to talk about it in the morning after a good night's rest.

But no one could sleep that night.

They each kept thinking of my suicide

and how terribly alone I must have felt.

You see, loneliness was something my friends understood all too well.

It's okay. I'm up.


I have a question for you.

Do you remember when you proposed?

For god's sake --

We sat on skyline drive and drank a bottle of apple wine,

and when we finished it, you turned to me, and you said,

"if you marry me, Bree Mason,

I promise to love you for the rest of my life."

And even though I was engaged to Ty Grant, and even though my father didn't like you,

I said yes.

That was a long time ago.

You're going to cancel the meeting with that divorce lawyer,

and we're going to find ourselves a marriage counselor.

- Bree - You promised.

All right.

Good. I'm going to go, uh, make myself some warm milk.

Would you like something to drink?

Anything but apple wine.

Susan awoke that night alone and parched,

but as she gazed out her window,

she saw the tall drink of water she needed to quinch her thirst.

"dear diary, Mike doesn't even know I'm alive."

Shut up.

If you want to date him, you're going to have to ask him out.

I keep hoping he'll ask me out.

How's that going?

Shouldn't you be making brownies for your nerdy friends?

I can't find the measuring cup. Have you seen it?

The measuring cup?


I -- well, it's -- it's got to be here somewhere. Just keep looking.

I know you're awake.

I know you're a jerk.

Dinner with Tanaka ran long. I'm sorry.

You know, Carlos, I didn't marry you so I could have dinner by myself six times a week.

You know how bored I was today?

I came this close to actually cleaning the house.

Don't be that way. I got you a gift.

Nope. No, no, no, no.

You're not going to buy your way out of this one.

It's a good gift.

Is that white gold?

Yeah. Put it on...

and then make love to me.

I'm not in the mood.

But we could stay up and talk.

When a man buys a womaexpensive jewelry,

there are many things he may want in return for future reference,

conversation ain't one of them.

- Hey, that was a joke. - Yeah, right.

- What the hell is wrong with you? - Let go of me.

Hey, you've been acting like a nightmare for a month. What's wrong?

I can't fix it unless you tell me.

It's not exciting anymore, Carlos.

So what am I supposed to do?

I don't know.

Be the way you used to be.

Surprise me. Take my breath away.


Hey, Susan.

What's wrong?

I didn't realize anybody was going to be out here. I just sort of rolled out of bed.

I'm sure you look fine.

Oh, Bongo, stop.

Sorry, uh... he scares easy.


jewelry ['dʒu:əlrɪ] n. 珠宝;珠宝类 {gk ky toefl ielts :4187}

uh [ʌh,ʌ] int. 嗯啊 abbr. 上半部分(upper half) n. (Uh)人名;(挪)乌赫 { :4478}

bored [bɔ:d] v. 使厌烦(bore的过去式);烦扰 adj. 无聊的;无趣的;烦人的 {gk :4569}

awoke [əˈwəʊk] v. 醒来(awake的过去分词);唤醒;引起 { :4647}

awake [əˈweɪk] adj. 醒着的 vt. 唤醒;使觉醒;激起,唤起 vi. 觉醒,意识到;醒来;被唤起 {zk gk cet4 cet6 ky :4647}

terribly [ˈterəbli] adv. 非常;可怕地;极度地 {toefl :4731}

jerk [dʒɜ:k] n. 肌肉抽搐;性情古怪的人;蠢人;急拉 vi. 痉挛;急拉;颠簸地行进 vt. 猛拉 n. (Jerk)人名;(俄)埃尔克;(匈)耶尔克 {cet6 toefl ielts gre :5703}

mason [ˈmeɪsn] n. 梅森(男子名) {toefl gre :6612}

loneliness ['ləʊnlɪnəs] n. 寂寞,孤独 { :7051}

skyline [ˈskaɪlaɪn] n. 地平线;空中轮廓线;架空索 vt. 天空映衬出…的轮廓 { :9513}

nope [nəʊp] adv. 不是,没有;不 { :9734}

thirst [θɜ:st] n. 渴望;口渴;热望 vi. 渴望;口渴 {gk cet4 cet6 ky ielts :10813}

brownies [ˈbrauniz] n. 棕斑;布朗尼,巧克力糕饼(brownie的复数) { :13429}

parched [pɑ:tʃt] adj. 焦的;炎热的;炒过的;干透的 v. 烘干;使极渴(parch的过去分词) { :14490}

nerdy ['nɜːdi] adj. 书呆子式的 n. 令人厌烦的人 { :24002}

bongo [ˈbɒŋgəʊ] n. 羚羊的一种;小手鼓 n. (Bongo)人名;(刚(布)、加蓬)邦戈 { :25937}

ty [ ] abbr. 总产量;总收率(total yield) n. (Ty)人名;(英)泰 { :39834}

tanaka ['tænækə] [医] 鹧鸪菜,海人草 { :47769}

quinch [ ] [网络] 奎宁

a bottle of [ə ˈbɔtl ɔv] [网络] 一瓶;一盒;一瓶是

a gift [ ] [网络] 一件礼物;一个礼物;一份礼物

a jerk [ ] [网络] 猝然一动;自私的人;讨厌的人

a joke [ ] [网络] 玩笑;一个笑话;笑话一则

a nightmare [ ] [网络] 噩梦;一场噩梦;恶梦

apple wine [ ] un. 苹果酒 [网络] 葡萄酒

dear diary [ ] [网络] 亲爱的日记;亲爱日记;贵日记

divorce lawyer [ ] [网络] 离婚律师;结婚兼离婚律师;办理离婚案件律师

engage to [ ] v. 订婚 [网络] 答应;允诺

find ourselves [ ] vt.发觉自己处在

fix it [ ] na. 处理 [网络] 修复;搞定它;修补道路

for God's sake [ ] na. 看在上帝面上 [网络] 看在上帝的份上;看在上帝的面上;看在上帝份上,拜托

gaze out [ ] [网络] 向外注视;眺望;凝视远方

have dinner [ ] [网络] 吃晚饭;吃饭;吃正餐

i promise [ ] [网络] 我保证;我发誓;我答应你

in the mood [in ðə mu:d] [网络] 好心情;兴致勃勃;情绪中

marry me [ ] [网络] 嫁给我;嫁给我吧;我们结婚吧

marry you [ ] [网络] 嫁给你;我们结婚吧;娶你

promise to [ ] [网络] 许诺做;承诺;给自己承诺

roll out [rəul aut] na. 滚出;离开;展开;〈美〉起床 [网络] 铺开;辗平;转出

roll out of bed [ ] 起床

shut up [ʃʌt ʌp] na. 关住;监禁;密封;停止 [网络] 闭嘴;住口;关闭

something to drink [ˈsʌmθiŋ tu: driŋk] [网络] 一些喝的东西;可以喝的东西;要喝什么饮料吗

surprise me [səˈpraiz mi:] n. “随便”; 通常是顾客对服务生的所说的; “让我惊喜一下吧!”; “你看着办吧”

take my breath away [ ] [网络] 带走我的呼吸;让我无法呼吸;壮志凌云

tall drink [ ] [网络] 一大杯酒

tall drink of water [ ] [网络] 线条修长;高个子

the hell [ðə hel] na. 见鬼去 [网络] 到底;究竟;地狱

the mood [ ] [网络] 情绪;那种心情;杨善洲影视图片

to cancel [tu: ˈkænsəl] [网络] 取消;退保;注销

to drink [ ] [网络] 喝;饮;喝酒

warm milk [ ] [网络] 温牛奶;热牛奶;热奶

what the hell [hwɔt ðə hel] [网络] 到底;这到底是怎么回事;究竟

white gold [hwait ɡəuld] na. (镍,锌与白金合成的)充白金 [网络] 白色金;人造白金;白色黄金

zk/中考 gk/中考 ky/考研 cet4/四级 cet6/六级 ielts/雅思 toefl/托福 gre/GRE
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